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  1. 12 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Moon Unit Zappa, so that name was used a long time ago :-)

    “Where did Moon go? Better call a GTO” — from a John Mayall track on “Blues from Laurel Canyon”

  2. 22 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Spot on! – it’s part of the fun, isn’t it? :)

    However, I like the following, from the poem “My enemies have sweet voices” by Pete Morgan:

    I was jumping to conclusions / and one of them jumped back.

    The poem has interesting takes on three typical human traits :-)

    By the way, I first encountered this on an early Al Stewart LP, and have also heard it on the radio, read over a quiet Jazz background (though I can’t find that anywhere now…)

  3. 23 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Regarding “knocking on the door” - whilst I doubt it had crossed that lady’s mind, I have to wonder what hour of the night this is all taking place… I rather suspect that it’s after midnight :)

    I presume the folks in the car are on their way home from a visit; the question then is whether their journey has just begun or is nearly finished - they may not be “locals” :(

  4. 29 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    (Firefox on Linux with various add-ons here…) This problem was probably due to a glitch in a [CSS] style sheet, as I was also not seeing the usual vertical margins - the grey box had gone by 14:00 or so (GMT) and the margins were right again :)

    However, that irritating reCaptcha privacy&terms blob is still there, and it serves no useful purpose that I can think of…

  5. about 2 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    That prompts a thought about some advice to the cactus. How about “Smiling Phases” from Blood, Sweat and Tears…

    “Keep on smiling through and through / And you’ll be amazed at the gaze On their faces as they sentence you”

  6. 5 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I view BCN (using Firefox) with the display scaled up to 120% by using Ctrl-+ — for me, this causes the various little icons to shift to under the actual comic (and removes the left-hand bar, which only seems to have stuff from above the comic, and wastes a lot of screen space!

    I think the HTML and CSS use space-filling techniques that are also used to rearrange stuff on phone and tablet screens when the display is rotated. Sometimes unexpected things might happen as one increases or decreases browser “magnification”; some are useful, some are not :=)

  7. 5 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I think the “handedness” of BCN mugs with non-wraparound designs is down to whoever created the first mug with that design…

    Most of the mugs I’ve got are right-handed but my Beatrix mug is left-handed (and I hadn’t noticed when I ordered it…

    I think it is possible to edit the design to relocate the image before purchase; I don’t know whether that will change the stored design or not - I’ve never tried it :)

  8. 7 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    christineracine77 has it right. The following is a quote from my latest Zazzle UK “your order has been produced” email (for an order that only had the calendar!):

    Please note: Products are manufactured and shipped from different facilities. To ensure you receive your products as quickly as possible, your order may be shipped in multiple packages, where necessary. You will receive an update every time a product in your order is ready to be shipped.

    I don’t know whether that appears in the US notification messages, of course :-)

  9. 7 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    When I finally located the calendar in the UK store I had to change the calendar location, and English (New Zealand) was amongst the “Culture” options. New Zealand also features in the countries menu at the bottom of the page.

    So I visited the main (US) zazzle store again and English (New Zealand) is now in the “Culture” options there too — when I first looked there were only US options!

    So it appears to take a while for the options for other countries/regions to propagate, which might make it a choice between a quick order at a big discount and waiting but paying more…

  10. 7 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    As I already have a UK Zazzle account, I waited to see if it would turn up in the UK store and it did :-)

    So I get A UK-format calendar and don’t need a second account outside the UK!

    Thanks for the “Good luck” – it seems to have worked :-)