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DaisyMariesMama Free

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  1. 10 days ago on Pickles

    I hiss at my cats and nothing happens, they just stare at me. I also bark at my dogs too.

  2. about 1 month ago on Lola

    Who cares!! I wish both teams could lose.

  3. about 2 months ago on JumpStart

    This is from 2017

  4. about 2 months ago on JumpStart

    This is a rerun from 2017

  5. about 2 months ago on Pickles

    My step grandpa was the same way when it came to chicken. He was so worried about not giving someone food poisoning, that it wasn’t done unless it was burnt. So almost every Sunday, for several years, we would go over to my step grandparents house and eat burnt chicken.

  6. 3 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    I haven’t had the flu in over a decade and have never had a flu shot!! I rarely wear a hat in the winter or even a winter coat. I usually just wear hoodies or fleece jackets. I’ll even go out with wet hair and I still don’t get sick!!!

  7. 4 months ago on Baby Blues

    My brother’s the same. He’s right handed, but was a lefty in sports. He pitched, batted, and catched left. He even played hockey growing up with a lefty stick.

  8. 5 months ago on Baldo

    My mom works for the cardio call center for u of mich. She has patients calling for appointments and some of the doctors are booked until next summer or even next fall. I had to wait two months just to see a gynecologist after going to the ER and finding out I had giant cysts on my ovaries.

  9. 6 months ago on JumpStart

    I was a senior in highschool. I was in 3rd hour when my 2nd hour teacher came to tell my math teacher what was going on. Mrs Budd came back in and told us. Our principal came over the intercom later to tell everyone about it. I didn’t get to see any coverage about until my last class of the day. My 6th hour teacher went and got one of the TV carts and we spent the hour watching the news. My brothers were in kindergarten wondered why all the teachers were crying. Me and my mom had to try to explain to them what happened.

  10. 7 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    There are two malls in my town. One is thriving and the other is a practically a ghost town. The one that is thriving, revamped the one end, where Sears was and opened several new stores. The other one keeps losing stores. The only reason they get any money is because Walmart leases 1/3 of the property for their store. The only other big store there in JC Penny’s.