Diabolically evil IT professional. I make users RTFM! Mu! Hu! Ha! HA! HA! HA! HAA!
Jack, it’s February 14th – National Ferris Wheel Day.
We’re idiots! We don’t learn from anything…especially history.
Kid… You ain’t Wilt Chamberlain. You ain’t dunkin’ that foul shot.
There’s booze in it.
Even the closed captioning service has no idea what Ozzie’s saying.
I walked to school 20 miles uphill through a blizzarding tornado in 110 degree temperatures.
Denver Broncos jettisons Russell Wilson.
In front of your TV?
Help the poor man up! He’s freezing his carrot off!
Make a better product than your competitor??? Not the American way.
Jack, it’s February 14th – National Ferris Wheel Day.