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Recent Comments

  1. 16 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    We’re a Republic. Well, we used to be…

  2. 16 days ago on Betty

    Betty is his mom, not his friend & she’s not supposed to be. Her job is to teach the children how to get through life with the best chance of survival and success (In that order). Filth & trip hazards where you sleep is not helping with those goals.

  3. 16 days ago on Betty

    A parent teaching a kid to pick up after themselves is not “control”, it’s a parent doing their job. The kid has plenty of time to be a slob when they grow up.

  4. 20 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Think distraction…

  5. 20 days ago on Betty

    When my kids room got to be more than I could handle AND they refused to do anything about it, I helped.I went in with a large plastic trash bag and started picking up.. all that crap they refused to put away was gone.I could give it back later.

  6. 24 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    She doesn’t want to go…

  7. 26 days ago on Luann

    It looks like there is another option/offer on a place to stay coming..

  8. 26 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    It’s getting real now, the expert says it’s affordable… is it still a goal?

  9. 30 days ago on Betty

    That is a different situation.

  10. about 1 month ago on Betty

    You do all your shopping on-line the local stores will go away and you will miss them!