
beindevine Free

Recent Comments

  1. 11 days ago on The Duplex

    My phone is a landline that only receives voice messages if I don’t answer. Don’t have a cell phone and do NOT want one. Don’t want anyone to be able to access my private info, or to trace me around. They are awful inventions.

  2. about 1 month ago on Texts From Mittens

    Who the heck is “Sumpy?” Guess Momma had a typo…

  3. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    My cat has his own butter dish… when he asks for it, we place it on the floor & remove the cover for him…

  4. 5 months ago on Dark Side of the Horse

    And they’re the first flowers to feed honeybees and other pollinators!

  5. 6 months ago on Rose is Rose

    I am an obese woman, “elbow macaroni.” My MD has told me that for 20+ years – yet I can easily hike 30 miles. Can you?

  6. 7 months ago on Kliban's Cats

    Not really happy with the “updated” comics – I’d prefer the originals…

  7. 10 months ago on Kliban

    “a killer smile”…

  8. 10 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I see the family are all wearing matching jammy tops… <3

  9. 11 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I read books printed on paper. I do NOT have a cell phone, a tablet, or any kind of electronic device – other than my desk top PC and printer. I am old school. People have given me cell phones, those e-book readers, tablets, etc. I give them back immediately. They are junk. – Goldie should NOT “get with the times!!!”

  10. 12 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    They don’t even yell or whisper “On your left in Boulder,” they just blow by pedestrians with maybe an inch to spare. They’re also required by law to have a bell and ring it – but that law is not enforced. Giving them a 3-foot space passing them in a vehicle on a road IS enforced…