Mean ppl suck

Bikeinthecorn Free

I'll wait to be assigned my opinions by the bloggers that know everything already :)

Recent Comments

  1. almost 13 years ago on Dan Wasserman

    You “regulars” even bicker about not bickering LOL Posting links that support your “side”. Blaming the other side for complex issues and situations that have taken yrs to develop, and will take yrs of cooperation to resolve. Us folks in the middle want ALL elected peeps to work together for the good of the country. I bet you can’t respond without calling names and/or being critical…In fact I bet you can’t go for a week without posting some negative crap on here. That goes for both sides :)

  2. almost 13 years ago on ViewsAsia

    Seems simple to me…Don’t wake the sleeping giant

  3. almost 13 years ago on Rob Rogers

    Wanna support the troops? How about a job with a living wage to come home too instead of those ***ing stupid ribbons plastered all over your import! btw those ribbons are made in china