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  1. over 5 years ago on Luann

    I’m just confused where all the money is going with 2 full time employed firefighters…

  2. over 5 years ago on Luann

    To be quite fair, almost everyone calls it “the fly over states” for a reason.

  3. over 5 years ago on Luann

    You do realize the drought it over? It’s cyclical. We actually had snow in the mountains until August because of the polar vortex. Tons of rain this year! And if you didn’t ship water here from outside the state, food production would be cut down significantly. We grow a lot of stuff to feed the country here. And sorry, Kansas City is still the middle of nowhere. I don’t often here people saying, HEY! Let’s vacation this summer in Kansas City! I think it’s in flyover country. I do have friends who live there, though, and they love it. Every place has its appeal, and every place has its haters. To be fair, I do think that a lot of people have suggested building some sort of water pipeline from places that have excess water, but I guess idiotic things like bullet trains to nowhere took priority over that.

  4. over 5 years ago on Luann

    I didn’t know <3

  5. over 5 years ago on Luann

    I haven’t commented on this comic for over 10 years, but I had to say something. The California stereotypes are killing me.

    1) You are not a “Californian” if you call it Cali. Seriously, only people who never grew up here call it Cali. Or SF “Frisco”. It’s California. That’s it.2) There are affordable places that are not complete garbage and ghetto to live. Granted, prices are higher here, but there are a lot of benefits to the state, which is why so many people are willing to pay those high prices. 3) The highest prices are closer to the large cities. Closer to work, jobs that tend to pay well. For cheaper housing you kind of have to live in the middle of nowhere…Hey! That sounds like the middle of our entire country, where land is cheap and houses are “affordable!” Weird…4) Yes, we have natural disasters. But to the person who said we should move to Olathe, KS. Pretty sure the stereotype of tornadoes is quite strong there. Toto would agree with me, anyway. Or how about the blizzards and crappy weather of Montana? Prices are cheap there, I’ve heard. In the 32 years I have lived here, I have experience 2 major earthquakes; 1988 and the one from this year in southern California. What’s crazy is how an earthquake of the same magnitude in Indonesia killed dozens. No one died here. It’s a sad truth, but our infrastructure is better. The people who build on cliffs where mudslides occur are already the wealthy; if you can afford to live there you kind of get what you pay for. The only people I truly feel sorry for are fire victims. Those can happen anywhere, and they do, all over the country. The mudslides as a result of fire also affect any person, and I also feel for those particular victims.

    To sum up: We have our fair share of natural disasters, but I’m pretty sure the only logical reason people keep using them as a great reason to move out of CA is because they secretly wish they could live here too and are just upset that they don’t.