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Recent Comments

  1. almost 3 years ago on Agnes

    Sorry. Just a pet peeve of mine

  2. almost 3 years ago on Agnes

    Marinade is a liquid mixture (usually vinegar, oil, and herbs) in which meat is soaked before cooking. Marinate is the corresponding verb (i.e., to soak in marinade).

  3. about 3 years ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    Studded winter tires VS. Polar bear paws; another case of man imitating natural design.

  4. about 3 years ago on Agnes

    Ilove a good beef weiner (wiener?) in natural casing. It’s a dog that bites back. (Snap)

  5. about 3 years ago on Peanuts Begins

    In the middle would accommodate both righties and lefties. At Catholic schools, the nuns did not permit writing with the left hand back when our desks were made.

  6. about 3 years ago on Peanuts Begins

    The school I attended had desks so old there was a hole in the upper right hand corner for an inkwell. This was in the ‘60’s when Bic pens were common.

  7. about 3 years ago on Frank and Ernest

    I’m the sort of person that throws nickels around as if they were manhole covers.

  8. over 3 years ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    That was always the theory. Latest research shows that it is a lethal venom not infection that kills from the komodo’s bite.

  9. over 3 years ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    What about the Komodo Dragon? I believe it’s bite kills.

  10. over 3 years ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    Nor is it historically correct