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Bruce Harper Premium

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  1. about 2 years ago on Dark Side of the Horse

    Now I want to see a whole series to see how that sheep changes all the numbers.

  2. about 4 years ago on Cleats

    It actually did happen when our son was playing high school soccer. It was an early spring away game against a rival. As the half approached, the school folks went to turn on the field lights for the second half. There was a malfunction and they wouldn’t come on. The refs extended the halftime break for a little while to give some time to solve the problem, but it was taking too long. The refs ultimately declared the game over, said that the completed half meant the game counted and our team won. When the return game was played on our home field, the lights were on even before the game started.

  3. almost 11 years ago on Luann

    That must be some headwind they are facing — since traffic is at a standstill, yet Rosa’s hair is still streaming out quite a bit.

  4. about 11 years ago on Pluggers

    I learned to make change growing up in my parents’ store (and to put bills all facing the same way). I was recently in a Mickey D’s and the lunch came to $12.77. I handed over $13, then dug for two pennies so I would just get a quarter in change. But I was too late, the droid had already punched in $13, got what the machine told him to give me back, and he wasn’t able to take the 2 cents because he couldn’t override the cash register to tell him a new amount. Sad.

  5. over 11 years ago on Tank McNamara

    “Soft” players? Sorry, but soccer can be worse than football (all those pads) — the various injuries my son sustained in travel and high school soccer (including a ruptured spleen from a blindside hit while he was airborne heading a ball) will attest to that.