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EowynWolfmoon Free

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  1. almost 3 years ago on Baby Blues

    even worse is an outhouse – straight down into the literal bowels of the underworld… shudder

  2. about 3 years ago on Baby Blues

    Had to go look it up – you are right – regional. Specifically it is a Canadian thing, and usually ended up being in small corner stores and/or sold at travelling midway type shows – so limited audience indeed. It is still available in small runs to specialty stores apparently.

  3. about 3 years ago on Baby Blues

    There was a brand called Lucky Elephant pink candy popcorn too that had very cool prizes in them that also went down the sticker route at one point. They weren’t even nice stickers, that was the part I found most insulting.

  4. about 3 years ago on Betty

    My ex work site decided not to celebrate individual birthdays but have “one big celebration” for us all at the same time at a local restaurant. What we didn’t know at that time was that they meant “forever” and not “once a year”. They never did anything for us again. They took the manager out for her birthday regularly though privately (because, you know, we wouldn’t find out about that, of course, especially with her bragging about going out with the bosses the next day for a special evening and all …). Suffice it to say, glad I don’t work there anymore.

  5. about 3 years ago on Monty

    It was a tradition to get gifts from “the new year” in our family. Usually it was something like a personal box of chocolates that you didn’t have to share, an ornament or some sort of little toy, etc. Think there was some superstition attached to it at one time, but now it is just a way to ease out of the post holiday doldrums.

  6. about 3 years ago on The Dinette Set

    I believe it. I knew one person who thought if you didn’t take vacation days sequentially, they “didn’t count”. Or that sick days were part of your PTO package (it wasn’t). Also had a coworker who took a “sick day” at least two a month (so at the end of the year, pretty much had a full month off of “sick days”.). This wasn’t a chronic illness. some of her classic call outs were “I watched tv too late last night”, “my boyfriend can’t give me a ride today and I don’t feel like taking the bus” and my all time favourite “it snowed”. Yup, that 1/4 of an inch that day was insane. Here you can’t judge a sick day, if someone calls out sick, you must give them that day. We technically got 6 paid sick days over the entire year but at one point the bosses stopped paying her for the days off in hopes they could dissuade the constant sick days , but they continued. Eventually she just texted she quit, although really her absence wasn’t keenly felt since she was never there anyway. Think eventually she wrote a note to the manager to explain why she quit, and amongst other things, she stated ultimately it was her mother’s fault for forcing her to get a job. She was a definite gem, that one.

  7. about 3 years ago on Betty

    Take up crochet, my fitbit interprets the movement as “swimming” for some strange reason. It would be a very strange swimming style or a very enthusiastic crocheting technique. I was wearing it on my less dominant and therefore less “active” wrist, so even more of a curiosity.

  8. over 3 years ago on The Dinette Set

    What annoys me when I come across this is the people who are deep in conversation will invariably give me the filthiest looks like I should know better not to intrude. It is usually at that point where I break out into show tunes…;)

  9. over 3 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I was very good at it – a little too good. If you do it right, you have no troubles (on your stomach, head turned to the side to breathe through your mouth, being careful not to let water in, nose closed off, relax and float). I was asked to do “dead man’s float” in our swimming lesson final and my very long hair obscured most of my head, so they couldn’t see that I had my face out of the water, breathing happily, under all that hair. I panicked some poor teenaged instructor that I had actually become the “dead man” in the middle of his lesson and I was rescued. After the instructor started to breathe again himself, I got my swimming badge ;).

  10. over 3 years ago on Zack Hill

    My towel and I would sign up so fast for that you would have thought you had just enjoyed a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.