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- over 1 year ago on Luann
over 1 year ago
on Doonesbury
Important to note that Mr. Trump only needed about 40,000 additional votes in a few key rural states to win the electoral college, and since 2020, legislatures in those states, in the name of fighting imaginary “election fraud” have succeeded in altering the rules to make it easier to disqualify voters and discard ballots “at the discretion” of local officials. Republicans have become skilled at gerrymandering their local districts to avoid local control based on proportionate representation. Having done that, it becomes easy to dissallow enough ballots in blue leaning counties to shift an individual state’s popular, and therfore, electoral votes to the red side. Remember also that a supermajority of the states have to approve a constitutional amendment to eliminate the electoral college. As long the dominant party in more than 1/3 of the states see an advantage in retaining the EC, it will remain.
The upshot is that Democrats need to become much better at communicating, not with undecideds, but with conservative, rural, small town, working class voters. In rural America, where Fox news is free and preloaded on any television sold at Walmart, the democrats are the party of weirdos, and while most rural voters could not care less about the gender identification of anyone, they don’t see the democratic party as caring the slightest about the bread and butter issues they confront daily, and that’s the fault of the democrats.
over 1 year ago
on Luann
Luann has never even read a book. She can’t see the stories right in front of her face and she hasn’t a snowball’s chance of becoming a writer. Greg and Karen are doing a fabulous job of conveying exactly how narcissistic and clueless she really is. On the other hand we’ve seen Tiffany become remarkably mature and self aware. Indeed, any, if not all of the other characters in this strip are becoming far more real than Luann. Luann is becoming a caricature of a vacuous teen.
over 1 year ago
on Luann
I guess we are supposed to notice that LuAnn is so tied up inside her own head that she can’t see the world around her filled with stories she could be writing. But I’ve said it before, LuAnn has never shown evidence of having read any book, ever. She’s never going to be any sort of writer if she doesn’t read, and what she does write will be of no interest to anyone if she can’t see the stories playing out all around her. Thus the only thing we are learning is that LuAnn’s head is as empty as that of a Raggedy Ann doll; all fluff and no brains.
over 1 year ago
on Doonesbury
I thought she kicked THEM out of her caucus!
about 2 years ago
on Luann
I’ve been following this comic for over 40 years (Do any of the rest of you remember next door neighbor Diane?) and from the evidence presented in the strip, I’d hesitate to say that she has ever read a book longer than Goodnight Moon.
Good writers read. They read a lot, from many genres, and while we know that Luann is able to decode words, she gives every appearance of being a person who only reads the Cliff’s Notes, if she absolutely can’t avoid it.
over 2 years ago
on For Better or For Worse
Can we find the engineer who decided that the car windows can’t be closed unless the engine is running and lock him in the back seat with a swarm of bees? I am amazed that the automotive safety people haven’t had a conniption about this.
over 4 years ago
on Luann
Ann was Tom Farrell’s side piece and pregnant with Les before she pushed the late Mrs. Farrell onto the BART tracks.
Les has been told a story. He doesn’t actually know that he is Tom Farrell’s kid.
over 4 years ago
on Luann
Oh she told him all right.
over 4 years ago
on Luann
I think Tiffany and Les both should move into the Farrel house for the summer and make it home, the way most kids do. Up playing video games until 3:00 AM, dirty dishes piled up in the living room, friends wandering in and out all day and night. In fact, it would be really cool it Tiffany and Les threw a kegger! Ann Eiffel would just love that.
By the way, Tom Farrell doesn’t yet know that Les exists. He thought Ann had “taken care of it” when she went to Japan.
Hell, it’s a Microbus, with a handful of wrenches and John Muir’s book, this is just the beginning of the adventures. Friggin things run forever with a bit of TLC. Mine had 120K on it when I bought it and 300K when I sold it for about what I paid for it. Of course it had a new motor, transmission and brakes in the interim. I could pull the engine out of that thing in under 5 minutes, which was good because “First, remove the engine” was step one for MOST of the maintenance tasks…