For many years I’ve used Shutterfly to produce calendars for myself [+ Carol] and the 4 kids. It took lots of time and work to select photos for each month, but I’d also correlate the photos with birthdates recorded on each day’s square. Now that I’m past 80, my youngest son has taken over the responsibility [whew!]. We’ve kept the old calendars, too, since we enjoy looking at the photos every once in a while.
Just to be serious for a second: I nominate Jimmy Carter. Carol & I visited the church in Plains and attended his Bible Study. I’m a pastor, but I never led a Bible Study like Pres. Carter did, with the combination of Biblical scholarship, political wisdom, and gentle humor. In my book, he was clearly a blessed and faithful man, who blessed this nation with his faithfulness and gentle wisdom. May he rest in peace, in the presence of his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. — I wish I knew how to insert a photo of Carol & me standing with Pres. Carter and Rosalind Carter… If you get a chance, reread [or listen to] his “malaise speech.” May he rest in peace, and may light eternal shine upon him!
Common sense isn’t…