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dannowich Premium

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  1. over 5 years ago on Basic Instructions

    Proven: No treason. No corruption. No sexual assaults. If you watched Fox News and/or listened to conservative talk radio, you would know the facts and be able to follow my reasoning.

    Children were taken away from “parents” under Obama, and the at least the last two presidents preceding him. It’s a good and necessary policy. Thirty percent of these people who bring their “children” with them are not actually their parents. Who knows what would happen to these children if this policy were not in place? Some are recycled, used again and again to get who know who in the country using devious means. Some are used as sex slaves. Horrific! The die because the journey here, which is incentivized by current policies that Democrats (and some Republicans) put in place, and refuse to change, is perilous and extremely arduous. Do you really think that our Border Patrol agents stand by and let these sick kids die? Or cause them to die, somehow? My God, that’s just incredibly dumb. If you really think that, you are either blind with hatred for Trump and republicans, or you are thinking solely with your gonads, or both.

  2. over 5 years ago on Basic Instructions

    It wasn’t the popular vote that determined the outcome, genius. It was what we call the Electoral College. If we change to popular vote to elect the president, we will have New York City and/or Orange County, CA determining who becomes president. Do we really want that?!?

  3. over 5 years ago on Basic Instructions

    Lots of rich people go bankrupt in their lives, sometimes many times. And lots of people who inherit a lot of money squander it. He beat Hillary fair and square, and look how she got her wealth. You Trump bashers don’t like him because he punches back, and you’re just not used to any Republican or conservative doing that. And, he’s shown how Obama’s destructive policies were. Reversing many of them has caused an economic boom.

  4. over 5 years ago on Basic Instructions

    Even Meyer couldn’t resist a little Trump bashing. Wow. I expected better.

  5. almost 6 years ago on Nick and Zuzu

    To me, this panel typifies the millennials’ philosophy of life.

  6. almost 6 years ago on Reality Check

    I’m not afraid to ask if this comic strip has ever portrayed CNN or MSNBC in a similarly derogatory fashion. I’d bet not…

    The liberals are the haters.

  7. almost 7 years ago on Ten Cats

    This strip is sheer genius. Mr. Harrop deftly mimics the quaint journalistic writing style found in the rest of the front page of this (possibly real?) newspaper. Well done!

  8. about 7 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Ramirez has really gone off the deep,end on illegal immigration and Trump. Bye bye.

  9. about 7 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Usually some commenters actually have something rational to say, but virtually all of these comments are just plain wacky. This is not the first time Ramirez has shown anti-Trumpism. It’s not funny, just deceptive. Bannon said Trump was a great man AFTER Trump said Bannon had lost his mind. Even if Ramirez was trying to depict Bannon as the nut, that isn’t fodder for a funny editorial cartoon, since it simply shows that Trump was right.

  10. over 7 years ago on Frazz

    I thought the same thing. Jef is trivializing it, thus revealing his political bent. Sometimes he does that. Just brushes by politics.