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  1. about 9 hours ago on Herb and Jamaal

    Also, in order for a society to be healthy and strong, it must periodically test old and new against each other in order to determine the best way forward.

    The testing process rarely goes as smoothly as people think it does.

  2. about 9 hours ago on Bob the Squirrel

    There have been other problems that have been persisting for a while, such as the “Updated Today” page actually linking to strips 1 – 2 days old and the site sometimes requiring multiple attempts to sign in. That would suggest something on the back end isn’t working properly.

  3. about 9 hours ago on Brevity

    The “Violator” album was deliberately made to have a dark, moody, and at times sinister atmosphere. As a result, it’s quite hit or miss, especially compared to their poppy synth-driven 1980s material.

    The single release of “Enjoy The Silence” was the most commercial thing on there, although that hasn’t stopped people from grossly misinterpreting “Personal Jesus”.

    I say “single release” as the album version of “Enjoy The Silence” has an interlude appended to the end called “Crucified”. On the CD release, they’re a single track even though “Crucified” really should be counted separately.

  4. about 9 hours ago on BFGF Syndrome

    Back in the 1990s Marvel Comics did a big story arc in which one of The Incredible Hulk’s friends got married. Since it was a friend of Hulk’s, that meant the Avengers wound up getting involved in the festivities.

    In one issue Captain America rents a VFW hall for the bachelor party, leaving the entertainment up to some of the other Avengers. They hire a stripper for the night, but deliberately use an obscure term that leaves Captain America thinking they hired a magician until such time as the stripper shows up and does her routine, much to his confusion.

  5. about 11 hours ago on FoxTrot Classics

    There are, indeed, younger individuals who no longer understand what the origin is for various popular terms or whose lives are such that they lack understanding of what’s going on outside of whatever very narrow focus they’ve chosen or been shunted into.

    So it’s hypothetically possible that, given the somewhat fluid canon for the strip, at this point in time Jason either didn’t know what one was or had forgotten all about them.

  6. 1 day ago on La Cucaracha

    IRL, what’s happening is that people are vandalizing and torching not just Tesla vehicles, but the charging stations and even the dealerships.

    Incidents have been reported across the United States and portions of Western Europe.

    Given that the vandalism often entails various political symbols being scratched into the vehicles and folks have found the equivalent of night letters under their windshield wipers, it’s clear that what’s taking place is politically motivated. Thus, the feds and many local-level law enforcement agencies are treating these incidents as domestic terrorism.

    That being said, it’s my understanding that Tesla vehicles have as many as nine external security cameras in place that are active under what’s called “Sentry Mode”, and so many of these attackers have been caught on camera, leading to their arrest.

  7. 1 day ago on FoxTrot Classics

    By the time this strip was published, it was, in fact, very common for developers to hide bits and bobs in their games.

    Consider, for example, 1998’s “James Bond: 007” for the Game Boy, one of the last games made for the original system.

    For example, the game had three card-based mini-games that you needed to play in order to convince a key villain to emerge from the safety of a casino’s back room. Well, when you first turned the game on and went to start a new game, entering the name of one of these card games as your game save name would bring the game up, allowing you to practice.

  8. 1 day ago on Bob the Squirrel

    Thanks. It seems like the closer they get to getting the new site operational, the more that doesn’t want to work right.

  9. 2 days ago on La Cucaracha

    The DoE has been broken for a very, very long time, to the point that some of the local school superintendents in my area have gone on record as saying that they’d be just fine with it ceasing to exist so long as the powers and functions were transferred to lower-level organizations that were closer to the action.

  10. 2 days ago on Funky Winkerbean

    During the 1990s, writer Tom Batuik decided to do a time skip that shot the series ahead 10+ years. The high school – era hijinks were over, and the strip started its long, slow, depressing decline from light-hearted comedy to direly dour drama.