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You’re a sick, sick man, Bell. Very sick.
I’ve given the new Nancy a chance, but now mourn the loss of Nancy. What this new abomination is, I don’t know…but it sure isn’t the Nancy that I’ve followed all these many years. RIP, Nancy.
So, Rat’s a Democrat, huh?
But where is the little dog who laughed to see such sport?
I’m waiting to hear “this domain ain’t eminent, it’s Corky’s, so get lost Senator Slimey.”
I’m afraid the phrase “Zounds! What mounds!!” will be permanently etched in my mind. Oh, happy phrase!
I’m glad that I’m not the only one who noticed that Kathy was lookin’ good!
Could it be that, when Tiffany is connected, she simply says “Hi, Mom?”
You’re a sick, sick man, Bell. Very sick.