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  1. over 12 years ago on Minimum Security

    Tom and banjoaah,Wow, you both are revealing your own classism and disrespect of the working class. 1) Griselda is the most courageous of all of the characters. Her character is valorized. Her (I thought at the time) sacrifice brought tears to my eyes. And of course she got away.2) I guess banjoaah has never actually used duct tape. Duct tape holds everything together. it’s tough. It’s virtually indestructable. And at this point it’s almost everywhere. 3) Chip’s dad’s name was based on velour. Velour is soft and fake (just like the ruling class) a much more disrespectful name. She’s pretty clearly making a point contrasting the two. duct tape versus velour. which one is more useful? Which one is tougher?


  2. over 12 years ago on Minimum Security

    starfighter441,I for one will be glad to see you gone. Time and again you’ve been incredibly and gratuitously rude. See, for example, your scare quotes around the word “artist.” Despicable. And uh, Mr Starfighter, how many books do you have out? How many awards have you won? Can we contrast that with Stephanie McMillan, who is not an “artist” but is in fact a working artist? And why don’t we also talk about courage while we’re at it? Stephanie has the courage to put herself out there each and every day. And you? You don’t even have the courage to use your real name. All you do is troll under a ridiculous pseudonym. Frankly you’ve been nothing but a troll. The mods have been incredibly patient with your consistent trolling, and I can think of tons of forums that would have banned you long ago. You have contributed nothing of value here, nothing but sniping and trolling.

  3. over 13 years ago on Minimum Security

    Stephanie, Thank you for consistently telling the truth, and for being so easily able to factually support what you say. By the way, I love the joke about bunnies being naturally caffeinated: especially Bunnista!

  4. over 13 years ago on Minimum Security

    Pokerfaced parrot: yes, and bird populations have collapsed. I know that facts don’t matter to you trolls, but if you look up the words migratory songbirds decline on google you’ll find plenty of references you can ignore. You can do something similar with coral reefs. I know you won’t, because facts don’t matter to you. And starfighter, I’m glad you finally acknowledge what we all know, which is that you are a right wing troll. I just wish you had something better to do with your time than to troll comics you hate. And you’re not actually disagreeing with me: you’re in fact disagreeing with a near complete scientific consensus. You can prattle on all you want about a medieval warm period, but that doesn’t alter the overwhelming consensus among scientists who don’t take their marching orders from either Ayn Rand or ExxonMobil.

  5. over 13 years ago on Minimum Security

    So global warming is killing off coral reefs, devastating the oceans, and greatly contributing to the greatest mass extinction on the planet, and the response by most of the comments here are (of course) to attempt to diminish the harm and to be condescending (“gloom pills”) to those who care. Great.

  6. over 13 years ago on Minimum Security

    I guess the right wing trolls have once again discovered this comic strip. Sigh. The intelligent comments were nice while they lasted.

  7. over 13 years ago on Minimum Security

    S, given your bias toward the rich your comment (“Will the new government have social security and medicare? How will it pay for it?”) made me laugh. The real question is, when the rich are doing their best to get rid of social security and medicare, how much longer will those programs last?

  8. over 13 years ago on Minimum Security

    GibbonMan, It’s either identity theft or trolling. This person signed up when Stephanie McMillan’s comic started at this site, and presumably chose Stephanie McMillan’s name to be confusing, and already made this same ’comment" about this strip, and was told how to access archives.

    Sottwell, where do you live where this sort of police state is a completely accepted state of affairs?

  9. over 13 years ago on Minimum Security

    Starfighter441, I see you’ve brought your extreme dislike of the strip over from comics.com. If you dislike the strip so much, why do you look at it every day? I got pretty tired of your trolling over at comics.com, and even though so far you aren’t yet being as intentionally insulting here as you were over there (you haven’t yet called Stephanie any of the nasty names you called her there), I’m still getting a bit tired of your trolling here. And so far as the content of your comment, I guess Stephanie is a bigger believer in the US Constitution than you are, since she is making a case here against unreasonable search and seizure. So far as yesterday, her newstape at the bottom was highlighting the fact that when police shoot someone the police are never punished the same way someone else would be.

  10. over 13 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    I agree with Sara. I normally like this strip, but the language at the end is appallingly racist. And the defenses of the racism are really weak.Either you attack Sara, or you pretend that coon is alluding to raccoon. But Satchel isn’t speaking like a raccoon, but instead as a caricature of an African American,, so you can throw that weak defense out the window. And no, I don’t go around looking to be offended: it’s just I find racist caricatures masquerading as jokes offensive.