Once, in RMNP, on the wooden bridge (56’) at Alluvial Fan Falls, my Wife and I were about 1/3 of the way across. I was looking upriver and my Wife said BEAR. I looked along the banks when she grabbed my arm and said BEAR and pointed at the far side of the bridge. Walking toward us, stood up, sniffed as we walked away(and took pictures). The bear just turned and went into the bushes. Ranger said young bear, probably looking for a dry way to cross the river.
Thanks, now that you’ve said that I can see it looks like a Moon-Pie that someone took a piece out of, facing the other side. Saw them a few years back at Walmart and Cracker Barrel.
On a previous comment, long ago, someone said in the South, Country Gravy is a beverage. I answered that Country Gravy is mostly milk with butter and flour.
Great Gag. I would take a photo from the vantage point of the mirror and place it in the frame so you would see the flowers. Years ago, I had a Polaroid camera. I took a picture with me and a friend like we had our arms around someone not there between us. Put the photo back in the cartridge, and back in the camera. Then we took a picture with a co-worker standing in the middle and when the picture came out, we were there but the co-worker was not.
I"M just waiting for the other shoe to drop….