
Lauren Kramer Free

Recent Comments

  1. 7 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    I can neither confirm nor deny that I did this when I was 8. Trying to get the perfect arched eyebrow I saw in fashion magazines. One of my eyebrows never recovered. Eyebrow pencils are underappreciated.

  2. 8 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    I love that Rose has her own groupies. And yes, I joined the Latin Club in high school for one year. There were a whole three of us and the teacher. They didn’t bother having it the next year. That was out of 1200 students, grades 9-12.

  3. 12 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Good as Goldie Roll Call! Got mine yesterday and have read it twice.

  4. 14 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    WOO HOO! Just got notification that “Good as Goldie” is being delivered tomorrow! YAY!

  5. 20 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    We are split. Hubby is all Super Crunchy and I’m Smooth.

  6. 28 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    It was Linda Ronstadt :)

  7. 29 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Try the Gilbert and Sullivan operettas! >

  8. 29 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Agree 100%. But I still love listening to opera’s I’ve never seen. Luckily with YouTube, you have the opportunity to watch performances of most. There is nothing like being THERE though.

  9. 30 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’ve only been to two live opera’s, but both of them had English translations of the libretto in the program. BIG help.

  10. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    Same. With Una Furtiva Lacrima a close second. >