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Don’t worry about what they think about you. THEY should worry about what YOU think about THEM. As if. You won’t give them a thought.
In all my years of reading this comic, I’ve never gotten tired of the Wiz’s ZOT!’s. Now that I think of it, believe he used to ZOT! more.
In a pinch, there’s always the thing-a-ma-bob. Or is that only in Texas?
Singing now. Singing later. This is an ear worm I’ll enjoy all day.
I have read that scrubbing/soaking stained plastic containers with baking soda will remove the red stain, but have not tried it. Need to.
I liiiikke him. Hope he’s going to be a regular visitor to the Cafe.
I followed both “Lio” and “Heart” with great enjoyment, then “Heart” became ordinary. End of story.
You have been missed! So glad to see you back and to know how strong you are, even if you did not feel strong for a while. God bless.
Not funny. I expected Heart and got an STD reference. Getting tired of the daily mixup in strips. And how am I getting strips I’ve never heard of?
Don’t worry about what they think about you. THEY should worry about what YOU think about THEM. As if. You won’t give them a thought.