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Dreamcat Free

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Recent Comments

  1. 16 days ago on Rose is Rose

    Actually, WE are the warm furniture cats like to sleep on.

  2. 25 days ago on @Tavicat

    Cats are known to be part liquid and able to transform at will!

  3. 26 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I have a heater/de-icer in the tub, so while it may be cold, the de-icer keeps the water just above freezing. I do have to be sure to top up the water, as the de-icer will stop working with no water. As for my floof, she is actually small, but as noted, very floofy. She is my Egyptian Persian, direct from Cairo. I am a pet-sitter for a rescue organization and she had come in on a rescue flight from Egypt. (The rescue takes in all kinds of purebred and mixed cats, they have a handshake agreement with a rescue in Egypt to find homes for some of the cats. She even has her own passport! She was found as a young cat wandering in a Cairo cemetery. For some reason, she took to me and I was “forced” to take her ….. lol! She is my TigerLily, Lily for short. Thank you for the compliments!

  4. 29 days ago on Luann

    I edited technical manuals for 15+ years. And the subject matter was varied. Depends on if you are editing grammar/punctuation. Most likely that is what Piro is doing. Subject matter experts are consulted before the manual is presented for final edit, i.e. grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.

  5. 29 days ago on Frazz

    I took college courses late, (in my 40s) and in the accelerated Adult programs your classes lasted 4 weeks. Each week you had to turn in a 5-20 page paper on a subject with citations and in your own words. I did this working a full-time job and a part-time jobs, and about 20 hours of research/writing each week. I loved it, but I did not have a social life. I’d do it again in a heartbeat!!!

  6. 29 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I love walking out to the ground water tub and looking at all the different footprints around it. Every critter & bird visits the water tub!

  7. about 1 month ago on @Tavicat

    Biscuits are made with claws out! Fluffy!

  8. about 1 month ago on For Better or For Worse

    Oui, mais seulement au Québec, la plupart des Canadiens parlent couramment l’anglais.

  9. about 2 months ago on Rose is Rose

    Cats are NOT invasive. There are cat breeds (all naturally wild and some domesticated by humans) all over the world. Invasive means not indigenous to a region and introduced by artificial means. Truth be told, WE are invasive, introduced by artificial means (ships, migration, misfortune). I agree with domesticated cats being kept safely indoors, but not with the INVASIVE term. Another truth, dogs are also invasive, by your definition. So are cattle, horses, etc. But humans are the MOST invasive, because we can invade an area under our own power/decision. Any other species can not.

  10. 2 months ago on The Other Coast

    Guess I shouldn’t mention that I’m in the market for a nice, furry bear RUG!!! (smirk, giggle, guffaw!)