Mr airhead

dsidney49 Free

I enjoy having a good laugh after seeing all the depressing crap I read in the news...

Recent Comments

  1. about 3 years ago on Pluggers


  2. about 3 years ago on Loose Parts

    I’ve seen the pictures of your dog, and… well, I don’t know how to break this to you…Dude… he’s a platypus…

  3. about 3 years ago on Off the Mark

    I never even put mine into the fridge… you could say I developed a “counter culture”… (I’ll see myself out!!)

  4. over 3 years ago on The Flying McCoys

    You should be okay… it’s the red and green toilet paper (or any color for that matter) you’ll be hard up to find…

  5. almost 4 years ago on Off the Mark

    I’m thinking Mr. Parisi collected those “Garbage Pail Kids” cards in his youth… tapping that classic “gross” factor LOL!!!

  6. about 4 years ago on Loose Parts

    Just noticed… she has a STRAW in her drink… HA!!!

  7. about 4 years ago on Loose Parts

    Gotta give the lady a hand… maybe an arm, too…??

  8. about 4 years ago on Pluggers

    More like recognizing the collective behavior observed in a social subculture in which I am slowly becoming entrenched… LOL!!!!

  9. about 4 years ago on Pluggers

    A plugger WOULD likely have a flip phone… but there may be a few that went the way of Earl in today’s Pickles strip…!!!

  10. about 4 years ago on The Flying McCoys

    OMG… and Genesis never said the couple “am-skrayed” with an armful of anything, either. It’s a comic strip, for cryin out loud!!