Our local paper (The San Jose Mercury) is up to $3 an issue. I still buy the Friday, Saturday and Sunday papers, but I get them at a vending machine that charges $2.00 per paper including the Sunday edition. It’s still a lot given that the papers are less than half of the contents that they were in “the good old days”. The vendor must be aware that his price is the same as it was before the Pandemic, maybe he (or she) doesn’t know how to update the machine, or they don’t care—which makes me wonder how much they pay for the paper and still make a profit.
What I’d like to know is why dental care is not covered in medical insurance. I’m covered by Kaiser, but they do not have dental services. Eye care, yes. Psychological help, yes. Podiatry, yes. Everything but the teeth. WHY??
The newest “Reality” show begins this January 20th. The entire world will be watching.