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marty jones Free

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Recent Comments

  1. about 1 month ago on Edge City


  2. about 1 month ago on Edge City

    What’s going on? Discontinued?

  3. 11 months ago on Edge City

    So your thought is the heck with the rubric, I’ll do whatever I want? And he did not exceed expectations, he disregarded the requirements and fell short. Her ego seems to be more damaged than anything. I don’t see any evidence of the kid being hurt, only her. Boo hoo.

  4. over 1 year ago on Liberty Meadows

    One day when I was about 6 (I am 63) a guy on a horse rode down our suburban street. The horse dropped a load in the street and my neighbor’s dachsund immediately bolted out there and starting wolfing it down. At the time it was the funniest thing I had seen in my entire life. This strip just reminded me of that.

  5. almost 2 years ago on Edge City

    this woulda never happened in the house I grew up in.

  6. almost 2 years ago on Luann

    Jafee was great – “Snappy Answers” was a favorite when I was a kid – 50 years ago!

  7. about 2 years ago on Luann

    Frank is a dolt. If I gave my wife a spatula set she’d hit me with them.

  8. over 2 years ago on Luann

    somebody needs to smash Bets’ phone.

  9. almost 3 years ago on Luann

    who gets the money?

  10. about 3 years ago on Heart of the City

    The original Heart is so much better. It’s actually funny. the new Heart is pretty stupid.