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prairiedogdance Premium

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  1. 1 day ago on Francis

    Nod, and the other folks throw rocks and kick the footings out before the cement can harden

  2. 1 day ago on Francis

    No, they are expressions of people who are outside the influence of his disinformation campaign.

  3. 1 day ago on Francis

    I know, I was just illustrating how hard it really is getting… still, it is true that bridges only work if both shores agree one is needed. Right now we are at the “convince them we need it” stage. For proof, see Muddy’s comment above. The denial and brainwashing is so deep with his supporters that can’t even see there are problems that need to be worked on together.

  4. 1 day ago on Francis

    Yeah, my good well-intentioned friends keep putting up posts about “moving forward, doing good work, and continuing to reach out hoping to build bridges with the other side.” Trouble is, both sides have to want the damm bridge. The other shore just yells, “invasion!” and knocks it down.

  5. 1 day ago on Francis

    Exactly… to all of it… I’m so glad my parents are dead. this would have killed them. How can these people look their grandparents in the eye who actually fought a war to prevent nazis* and fascists from taking over the planet. *yes, I said nazis.

  6. 1 day ago on Francis

    Too late to help, but your memory seems a bit off

    A few million people died because he said Covid “wasn’t a big deal” and refused to take action while we still had a hope of containing it. He vilified the man who was in charge of the health care system and doing the work to defeat the pandemic. Btw, this caused his supporters to die in hugely lopsided numbers because he let them believe masking was just a “personal” choice, and an invasion of rights. Easy to compare the death rates between red and blue states, the data is out there, those pesky facts.

    He never filled out his cabinet, leaving some agencies unable to do their work or secure the funding they needed, halting jobs, causing the highest unemployment and inflation in decades. (yes, a bald-faced lie when he said he had the lowest.) How about them government shut downs because he wouldn’t tell his party to play nice and pass a budget? Pulled us out of NATO alienating our allies. Barred US reporters from a press conference with Russian journalists.

    He tried to abolish the National Park System so oil and timber companies could ravage Yellowstone and Alaska, and gutted staffing. He put a hyper-religious conservative Christian in charge of the Education department, to syphon public tax dollars to churches and exclusive, wealthy private schools with a “voucher” program. Public tax dollars have to be spent on the public school system, and in a way that all children have access to good education regardless of creed or wealth. If folks want to pay for private/religious school instead, that is a personal choice. You can learn 2+2 without a crucifix on the wall.

    The only reason he didn’t cause the all the destruction he wanted, was because he was surrounded by patriots who refused to carry out his illegal ideas, or defeated his orders. This time he’s made sure all the bumpers are gone, he has the court, and he’s replacing the educated lawyers and health experts with greedy billionaires and vaccine deniers.

  7. 1 day ago on Bloom County

    Gosh, time to light the torches and marching to pull Bloom County off the library shelves. Think of the children.

  8. 3 days ago on Bob the Squirrel

    Nice Magritte reference

  9. 5 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    The adults would have interfered. They would have prevented entry all together, or at least prevented the download.

  10. 7 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    It’s not over yet, stay tuned.