Opus swivel 2

Jacob Mattingly Free

Long time comic strip enthusiast. Writer of popculturebuffet.tumblr.com.

Recent Comments

  1. about 13 hours ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Given Rat once went across the country in diapers to kill someone while also on trial while renacting a news story no one remembers, I cannot blame him.

  2. about 13 hours ago on Gil Thorp

    … it’s a gremilns refrence. Am I that old?

  3. about 13 hours ago on Wallace the Brave

    You know i’d gave up on shipping these two.. then this arc happened. It also is nice to dial it back a bit away from “Rose is the straight man to the pack of weirdos she befriended”. I don’t mind it all the time, she’s good at the roll, but it’s nice to have that and her own quirks at the same time. Part of what makes these characters work is they feel like fully fleshed out people. Even Sterling who is some form of homonculus.

  4. about 13 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    The thing I like as while these people do need to be taught a lesson.. they don’t seem evil. Just old and igorant.. which can often be the same thing but in this case no, they genuinely care about her, their just oblivious to the fact that no , a cat you find randomly is not free get them to a vet and cats DEFINTELY don’t like being kept in a box. My dad kept his cats (RIP Spicy and Bob), in one room a lot of the time to cut down on shedding and they barely tolerated that.

  5. 1 day ago on Wallace the Brave


  6. 1 day ago on Heart of the City


  7. 2 days ago on JumpStart

    I’m REALLY suprised Carla let him retire. Did I miss her having any say in this? I mean it is his choice, but it is something you should at least talk about with your spouse.

  8. 2 days ago on Pooch Cafe

    …. Carmen, he spent the last non reprint weeks helping you avoid cat ladies. You owe him one. Even if you didn’t, you’ve lived iwth him long enough to know he’s not a normal dog and tha’ts okay.. I mean some of it isn’t okay, this itself is messed up, but still him not being doglike isn’t the problem. Him being Poncho is the problem.

  9. 2 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    Okay gotta give him points for being clever about his annual tradition. His mom probably won’t be happy, but I think he finally realized as fun as the annual big ole parade is, all it does is make sure his mom knows. I also love this runner: they find some fun new way to play with it each year. Granted it feels REALLY weird coming at the tail end of june (I.e. long after most schools around here let out), as Snow delay’s are more managed these days, but hey, it’s still fun.

  10. 2 days ago on Heart of the City

    Awwww. I like this too. That it’s more healthy.