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Gizmo Cat Free

I am from The Netherlands, living here with my husband and Feisty. Love comics, we have a big collection at home with comics like Asterix and Obelix, Storm and Roodhaar, Trigie, Thorgal, Elfquest, Ozy and Millie and of course Calvin and Hobbes. Some Peanuts comics and Garfield as well. And more, much more.

Recent Comments

  1. about 6 hours ago on The Born Loser

    But the effects of agent orange aren’t that good either I think? I hope it’s nothing too bad. I am strapped in wires at the moment, going to be a interesting night. And hopefully they find out if I have apneu or something else that keeps me from sleeping well.

  2. about 8 hours ago on Rose is Rose

    Or childproof (catproof) the cabinets so she can’t get into them.

  3. about 8 hours ago on Peanuts

    ha cha-cha-cha cha!

  4. about 8 hours ago on Grand Avenue

    Yeah, very evil, I’m glad we didn’t have our “Pete” on a shelf before St. Nicholas. It’s a stressful time for kids as it is.

  5. about 8 hours ago on Grand Avenue

    Maybe he wanted to drive from there to Uluru?

  6. about 8 hours ago on Garfield

    Then just leave…we don’t need your sarcasm.

  7. about 8 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    For about 40 years, I never even had a filling. And then it started…but I don’t really mind it, I have a gentle dentist and I never have anesthesia either. Only time I had that, was when they had to cut my wisdom teeth out, they had a crooked root.

  8. about 8 hours ago on Dog Eat Doug

    Yep, she can lick the spoils…

  9. about 8 hours ago on The Buckets

    Or a flamethrower……

  10. about 8 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    Yeah, have mine curled up on my lap now, same as every morning.