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  1. about 4 hours ago on JumpStart

    Time Dexter BETA study.

  2. about 5 hours ago on Rose is Rose

    Again so true. There are some rare moments like that in nature where others can witness it’s softer side. One of the best “teachers” I’ve witness as a young kid was the Praying mantis and watched how it stalked a butterfly. It would rock back and forth while it continued to inch it’s way closer to it’s intended target with it’s arms slowly unfolding ready to grab it’s victim. When it caught it’s meal I was surprised to see it’s alien looking head swivel around looking at me as if it was saying, “Did you learn from this lesson? Good now scram and let me eat”.

  3. about 7 hours ago on Rose is Rose

    VERY true. Life can be a fascinating teacher in so many ways for Nature is a cruel beauty, survival is it’s crown.

  4. about 7 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    You are 100% spot on about that, can totally relate with what you’ve written. Luckily for Calvin however, he is a comic strip character which will never have to grow old.

  5. about 18 hours ago on Rose is Rose

    Awesome comic strip. Even the critters learned goodness from the Gumbos.

  6. about 18 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Knowing Moe he’ll come up with some excuse then sneak outside just to bully Calvin if he has the chance.

  7. 1 day ago on Rose is Rose

    This toon really brought back memories of a cat I once had. She was a live cartoon in fur. Used to lay on my back on the floor with both arms folded across my chest a certain way, sort of like some Egyptian mummy. Once when I turned my head did I notice how my cat was posed precisely the same way with her head turned watching TV as well. Wish I had some one snapped a photo of that moment. Hysterical little animal.

  8. 1 day ago on Sherman's Lagoon

    Fillmore sure knows that greedy lil crab well, he’s only interested in personal gain. Oops, that’s the hallmark of a politician..

  9. 1 day ago on Cornered

    Each person like a finger print is unique so why judge anyone for being or thinking different as long as it doesn’t cause anyone else harm? Life is way too short so why not live it up before we shrivel up. As for that “other way” life style? Personally I don’t condemn it but nor do I condone it. To each their own.

  10. 1 day ago on JumpStart

    I was the opposite, I tried to finish as much home work as I could before I left study class so I wouldn’t have to carry too many books on the bus home. I’d rather do any art/painting instead. Or go out on a hike.