Bill Hinds and Russell Myers have been doing Tank McNamara and Broom Hilda since I was a little kid. They’re both past “retirement” age now and I’m enough younger than them that I expect to miss them at some point (hopefully decades from now).
I’m hoping that Phoebe will stick around. It’ll be lonely at GoComics if the only one left on my favorites list is Gil Thorp, which has changed writers again and has a new lease on life.
This makes me want to abandon my career, move to the midwest, and go to work as a junior equipment manager for Michigan, for the specific purpose of being in a position to violate this law.
Bill Hinds and Russell Myers have been doing Tank McNamara and Broom Hilda since I was a little kid. They’re both past “retirement” age now and I’m enough younger than them that I expect to miss them at some point (hopefully decades from now).
I’m hoping that Phoebe will stick around. It’ll be lonely at GoComics if the only one left on my favorites list is Gil Thorp, which has changed writers again and has a new lease on life.