Our spot on the joe

ST Joe River Premium

Am a Christian and a conservative. Live in the North West and North Idaho is my playground. Retired in 2006.

Recent Comments

  1. 25 days ago on Grand Avenue

    I love cranberries

  2. 25 days ago on Garfield

    Well not finding this to be a real funny one this morning. Oh well maybe tomorrow there will be something to make me start my day with a smile.

  3. 29 days ago on Baby Blues

    what happened to my premium subscritption???

  4. about 1 month ago on Grand Avenue

    Love them and teach them real life and she loves them enough to teach them responsibilities.

  5. about 1 month ago on Wizard of Id

    Comment Policy: We welcome thoughtful, respectful comments that stay on topic. Comments that don’t stay on topic may be removed, even if they do not include the following offenses. We do not allow comments that: (1) are sexual in nature, indecent, obscene, threatening, defamatory, inflammatory, abusive, harassing, violent, offensive, or otherwise objectionable (2) contain profanity or expressions of hatred, bigotry, racism, bullying or name calling (3) are illegal or would otherwise constitute or encourage a criminal offense (4) contain advertising, solicitations, or promotions, (5) infringe or violate the copyright, trademark, trade secret, publicity/privacy right, or other rights of any third party (6) links (7) could be considered spam, (8) are believed to be alternate account of a previously banned account or (9) include any personally identifiable information about yourself or others or are an attempt at impersonating someone else. Please remember, all users must be over 13 to have a GoComics account. Any user that we determine or suspect is underage will have their accounts removed and access limited.

    Comments that don’t follow the above guidelines are subject to removal. You may use the on-site provided flagging tool if there are comments you find objectionable, and they will be reviewed by

  6. about 1 month ago on Wizard of Id

    I think that who ever takes care of this comment section should read comment rules and delete any of these hateful political comments and ban the person posting them. THIS IS COMICS section

  7. about 1 month ago on Broom Hilda

    Good morning Bongo1 a bit cloudy here at the Pacific Northwest. Hope you can get over all this hate and politics it is really upsetting you. Remember the good Lord only gave us a number of days on this earth and we don’t know when our number is up so my advice and I try to remember to enjoy each day and not screw it up with things we ourselves can not change but enjoy each day as if was your last just might be. Hope you have a great day.

  8. about 1 month ago on Broom Hilda

    You see what the popular vote was???? There it is in black and white but you can put any spin on it that makes you feel good. Have a great day and get ready for USA to be great again.

  9. about 2 months ago on Peanuts

    Thanks I learned something today. Did not know that.

  10. about 2 months ago on Broom Hilda

    What is that black thing on the hydrant? A cat?