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  1. about 12 hours ago on Clay Jones

    Thank you, I couldn’t remember that f*cker’s name. Apparently Fern thinks all of that was just fine, but now that leopards are eating his face he wants them to be banished.

  2. about 19 hours ago on Clay Jones

    You’re right, I’m a demon. As an atheist in a solidly blue state, I make a good living. I use that money to ~drive~ be chaffeured around, killing newborns, ensuring women are fornicating then getting abortions, and those that survive become transgendered. I use my Second Amendment rights to ensure The White Man is kept down.

    Man, it’s so much fun.

  3. about 21 hours ago on Clay Jones

    Your ilk want to control women because you’re mediocre men.

  4. 1 day ago on Steve Kelley

    Yes, yes it is. Those on his side “think” it’s “funny”.

  5. 1 day ago on Clay Jones

    You mean the photos of the Boxes in the Best Bathroom, only the finest shower curtain rods? The ones shown on a Mar-a-Lago stage open to all? Or the boxes this week that Trump went to review?

    Those boxes were unclassified by the former President so they were clearly his.

  6. 1 day ago on Clay Jones

    Well, how far back are you willing to go?

    The FBI has maintained files on numerous people, including celebrities such as Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, John Denver, John Lennon, Jane Fonda, Groucho Marx, Charlie Chaplin, the band MC5, Lou Costello, Sonny Bono, Bob Dylan, Michael Jackson, and Mickey Mantle. The reason for the existence of the files varied. Some of the subjects were investigated for alleged ties to the Communist party (Charlie Chaplin and Groucho Marx), or in connection with antiwar activities during the Vietnam War (John Denver, John Lennon, and Jane Fonda). Numerous celebrity files concern threats or extortion attempts against them (Sonny Bono, John Denver, John Lennon, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Mickey Mantle, Groucho Marx, and Frank Sinatra).1

  7. 2 days ago on Steve Kelley

    “No puppet, no puppet!”

  8. 2 days ago on Steve Kelley

    Kelley living in an alternate reality yet again:

    After months of casting President Joe Biden as a shell of a man incapable of putting two sentences together, Donald Trump has changed his tune days before their first debate.

    “I assume he’s going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater,” the former president and presumptive Republican nominee said in an appearance on “The All-In” podcast last week.

    “I don’t want to underestimate him,” he added.

    The changed rhetoric marks a dramatic shift from how Trump typically describes the man he will face in a rematch this November.

  9. 2 days ago on Clay Jones

    So now you want to defund the police?

  10. 4 days ago on Steve Kelley

    “I’d do a lot better on math tests if you guys didn’t take away free* breakfasts!”

    (Yes, dolts, we know nothing is free).