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Darby, Darby. Make Monkeywhere a reality and you’ll have at least one customer. And Ferretrari!
Just once I’d like to see one of these build-ups to a pun that doesn’t lead anywhere, and everyone sitting quietly in the last panel.
This still breaks my heart every year or two when they rerun this story. Why can’t we actually buy MonkeyWhere and Ferretrari shirts? I need some.
It’s funny how true this turned out to be, what with PETA mass euthanization and all
Up City! Up City!
Oh my gosh, the drawing of the maitre d. I’m not always in sync with Stephan, but… yeah. Welcome to today.
Which game? Super Empire Strikes Back? I’m so so close to getting the reference. And with the Darby reprint machine, I have no idea when this was actually printed.
I seriously emailed Darby like 10 years ago when this strip first ran to see if he could market one. Never heard back.
The physics of this is on par with Fast and Furious 6. I know. It’s a comic. It’s fine.
Darby, Darby. Make Monkeywhere a reality and you’ll have at least one customer. And Ferretrari!