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After all these (60) years of collecting each and every kind of tool I ever needed, most of which I haven’t touched in several years, I’d say:
Animal Magnetism is what Hypnotism was called before it was changed.
There are no proofreaders in the publishing business anymore.
I see misspelled Newspaper headlines all the time.
I would expect to see the gallon equalivalent in the post. Instead, we received a very poorly constructed sentence.
I have eaten them, but they are not not my favorite.
When I grew up PB was a proper meal, not candy. In fact, it pretty much still is.
I had a really nice story about going to 6 Flags in Arlington, Tx, 60 years ago, but now I’m in no mood to share it.
Crazy old laws that never left the books.
I read of a law in Dallas once that all traffic on the main Downtown streets must yield right of way to any cattle being driven through town.
Knuckle Busters, one and all!
Hey Ed, that’s me all over.
There used to be a used car dealer near where I worked in the. Car Parts Business.
I was interested in one of his cars and asked him, “How many miles does it have on it”.
His answer, “How many do you want?”
It didn’t take that long in the movie.
After all these (60) years of collecting each and every kind of tool I ever needed, most of which I haven’t touched in several years, I’d say: