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  1. over 5 years ago on Luann

    Bets seems nice, but she’s like many IRL people I know who, despite their niceness, I don’t desire to spend much time with them because they are bossy know-it-alls who are always up in others’ business giving them “helpful advice”. Yes, both Les and Gunther are “doing it wrong”, but as I have always taught my children, being right doesn’t give you the right to call everyone else wrong.

  2. over 5 years ago on Luann

    I’m right with her. I enjoyed all my college classes right up until Economics. It was the worst class I’ve ever taken. I struggled to get a C and tried to take Economics II because I thought I wanted to go into accounting, but dropped it while I could still get a full refund and changed my major. So glad I did. I like math, but that is an altogether different kind of math.

  3. over 5 years ago on Luann

    Geez! No money pouch? Surely they had those!

  4. over 5 years ago on Luann

    Why on earth Toni is parading around the house wearing her silky nighty things in front of TJ? That’s just weird.

  5. over 5 years ago on Luann

    STRIP search! I see what you did there!

  6. over 5 years ago on Luann

    I agree with you. Now, keeping in mind that this is fiction (and COMIC fiction at that), it’s written for laughs. Watch any sitcom and take notes as to how much of the conversation happening is how one IRL goes. You won’t even fill a page.

    That said, these comments lambasting Gunther are more curious to me from a real-life expectation basis. Because while I would agree that these are “normal questions” from someone who you are 1) married/engaged to or 2) seriously dating, questions like this from someone you are on a beginning date with are hardly “normal” and are red flags to “swipe left”. Things only get worse with either party this suspicious of someone you are just getting to know.

    More to the point, Gunther hasn’t even crossed the acquaintance threshold to good friend (to say nothing of GIRLfriend), and, as far as I know, there has been no setting of a NEXT date much less a wedding date, so I’d say his obligation to reveal to her ANYTHING that he does with ANYONE else in his life is near 0%.

    Why do so many seem to think that someone you just met is ENTITLED to know any detail about your life you don’t want to share? That’s the whole reason privacy settings, fences, and locks exist. We lower our defenses and willingly let into our lives those who have EARNED that love and trust. That’s how relationships work. Conversely, we have difficulty revealing anything to those who mistrust and accuse us (even if we have nothing to hide, because even those who are innocent dislike being accused [just ask Joan of Arc]).

    What some have suggested is not indicative of two people who are trying to build a good relationship, but more akin to an interrogation room scene from [insert name of cop show here] where demands are made to the accused to “ANSWER THE QUESTION!”. Number of episodes where those people get together for drinks later: 0

    Bottom line: life details are something to be willingly shared, not coerced from at emotional gun-point.

  7. over 6 years ago on Luann

    We all have our own comments, that’s why we can all type them ourselves. The poster was expressing her opinion [read: neither right nor wrong], just as you are feeling free to comment on her opinion with your own opinion.

    More to the point, “Jams” are colorful shorts from the 80s, not pajamas.

  8. over 6 years ago on Luann

    This is such an obvious troll. I am still surprised how many people get reeled in by these and get their feathers all ruffled and start hacking away at the keyboard to try and discredit the trolls. If people would ignore these blatant attempts at attention, the Internet would be a much better place.

  9. almost 7 years ago on Luann

    Why are Jack and Nil always together? They have one class together as far as we know. They are as unalike as two people can be and, while I’ll be the first to say that doesn’t preclude that they COULDN’T be friends, it seems a bit forced to think that they are joined at the hip.

    A perfect example within this script is Gunther and Knute. They are very different and yet are friends, but you don’t see them together EVERY TIME one of them is in the story line.

    I agree with Vilyehm, let’s see them appearing autonomous of one other more often than not. In class, I’ll bite, outside class, not so much.

  10. almost 7 years ago on Luann

    As someone who loves to be on stage, I can attest; I love the performance, I LOATHE auditions! For me (and I’ve heard it from others as well), it is far easier putting yourself into a part you already know you have then trying to convince someone to give you the part. You don’t know what they are looking for, how they want you to say it, who they may have in mind already, on and on. It’s nerve wracking! During rehearsals and performance, I am no holds barred, don’t care who is watching. But, at auditions (many times with people I’ve worked with prior), I am sick to my stomach nervous and mess up lines that I have written on the page in front of me!