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  1. over 1 year ago on Luann

    So social media being social media i wonder if Gunth was “Following” Bets or actually on her friends list. The later meaning that she’s more likely to notice him dropping off.

    Really if he just needed to cool down, simply unfollowing would have done the trick, or muting notifications from her. But clearly he wasn’t willing to do that, so I totally get where Les is coming from. Honestly, it’s a solid move. If she cares, it sends the message that he’s moving on or doesn’t care to see what she’s doing without him, which might cause her to reach out. More than likely she doesn’t care, in which case he’s one less number feeding her ego.

    I agree with the others that he was largely a PROP for her. a way to get a few more eyeballs and access to his skill set (Costuming etc) I’d like to think she had a little more depth than that, if she does, it’s complicated by her past issues.

  2. over 1 year ago on Luann

    as I suspected, she’s posting general influence. The g-man needs to unfollow her, or at least mute notificationsYeah, she’s having fun… you knew that she would when she choose to keep partying and you choose to go back to school like a responsible adult.

    You don’t have to stop having fun… heck I started going to cons in college and still do, but you should be responsible and get an education and a solid job to PAY for that fun.

  3. over 1 year ago on Luann

    Wonder if she messaged him directly with the pic v/s just getting notified that she posted it on social media. there’s very different context there, as the later would remove any “she’s sending this to taunt him”

    Given her “influencer” style, I’d say it’s likely to be the later. and while the G-Man may wish he’s there, there is a reason he’s not. Because he wanted to finish his degree. Maybe it’s because he’s afraid of the consequences of just walking out mid program, maybe it’s because unlike Bets, he can’t just go off doing whatever whenever.

    Either way, he needs to let go. I hope Greg isn’t going to make a protracted arch about Gunther immaturely being mad at Bets and bemoaning doing the responsible thing.Also… let’s get back to Tiffany, I’m actually rooting for her to beat out “Ms Cheer” Yeah, she’s had her share of shallow, but she’s finally growing out more into a person.Course there’d be some real irony if she started dating gunther, getting Luann jealous (even though she’s never really gotten that close to him) But I don’t think the Gman nor Tiff have grown up that much yet.

  4. about 6 years ago on Luann

    for those saying “she’ll get rich”

    Being in business for yourself is a lot of liability – it’s not just permits, it’s certifications and insurance, because if someone gets a fungal infection or hurts themselves at her “place of business” they can and will sue… and if she doesn’t have everything in place, they could sue her directly and hit her personal life.

    As for daddy, it all depends, given she’s probably under 25 (still) he could keep insuring her for health, but even a fully trained / licensed cosmetologist (mother in law and a friend do / did this for a living) is effectively contract work unless they own their business. – most who work at major chains or large places pay rent on the chair (or a percentage of money each job brings) with no benefits – health, vacay, sick days… none of that.

    Now, I’m sure if Daddy has the money we all think he has, he might consider it a small price to pay to have her working and creating some sort of value…

  5. over 6 years ago on Luann

    I suspect she will not only not have an excuse, she won’t see what she did wrong… and possibly even become offended that They are mad that she didn’t show up on time.

  6. over 6 years ago on Luann

    I’d give it a combination of 3 and 4

    4) She let herself get emotionally invested in Tara and is now getting upset because it seems like there’s no “return” on that investment.

    I’m also going to go out on a limb and say she’s a bit oblivious to the investment Jack seems to be making in her…

    Also props to Jack for remaining focused on the purpose of the meet

  7. over 6 years ago on Luann

    Slightly behind the times here… 20 years ago, losing your phone usually meant losing your contacts, but with smartphones, most (MOST) people save everything to a cloud account – google or apple depending on your phone type

  8. over 6 years ago on Luann

    That’s ok, Christmas doesn’t have much to to with the religious aspects of Christmas as the person who was anointed the title “Christ” (Yesheua Bar Yoseph) was not born on Dec 25th.

    The Christian church co-opted that from the Roman Saturnalia. Other traditions (Decorating the Tree, Decking the halls and Yule log) come from Northern European traditions that actually have nothing to do with Christ. Even

    Which is entirely ironic for the Christian Conservative movement that argues to “Keep Christ in Christmas” given they created the holiday to convert others and co-opted all the holidays and traditions that don’t quite go together.

    Even Hanukkah was co-opted to some degree by the Christian church in the old tradition of 12th night where they celibate the Epiphany rather than Christmas proper this was at one point known as “The 12 days of Christmas” (Because the Christian church cared little for the details of most other religion’s holidays and instead just choose to announce they had something similar or in some other way make it about them… )

    That being said, as a former Christian who’s explored paganism and other faiths and philosophies there’s nothing wrong with a hodge-podge of holidays, especially in America where we claimed forever to be a big melting pot.

    I just find it ironic when people talk about the religious origins of a holiday which was expressively created more on the premise inserting themselves into the calendar and less on the actual birth date of a person (regardless if you believe that person is the Messiah, a buddhavista, a rabbi or just a carpenter’s son.)

  9. over 6 years ago on Luann

    Maybe, but more than likely he knows he can get it cheaper with the promise to lavish a younger trophy wife (given Ann was managing Weenie World not too long ago, even with a kid close to Tif’s age, I’d wager she’s still a good 15 years younger than daddy) that and I imagine it’s better to make long term payments on a full time rental than just lease something every time you want to go out on the town.

    As for the photo… I have a feeling it was Tom’s demand and neither are happy about it… ann looks just about as displeased as Tiffany from the tablet and if he can’t read the emotions in that picture he’s either heartless or clueless.

  10. over 6 years ago on Luann

    I said before, it’s been pretty clear that the father doesn’t really care.He’s used to doing whatever he wants then simply buying affection when he wants it, just look at Tiffany. So long as Ann is more “fun” than “inconvenience” he’ll keep her around. Likewise, he’s had Tiff on the back burner all his life, he wants them to get along for convenience sake, but I’m pretty sure if ann makes too much of a stink, she’ll find out she’s the easier one to dispose of.

    I think this is one more learning experience to Tiffany, perhaps the best plotline for her is how not to grow up into another Ann.