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jeffreyksimonds Free

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  1. about 10 years ago on Brian McFadden

    @oldcoalthat is not exactly the entire story. Some people do believe that but in many cases the answer is much simpler. We are a home-school with a special needs son (autism) and we felt the vast majority of the classes were not meeting the needs of my child we put him in a private school, they failed, then home-school he is starting to catch up after 2 years. My other 2 sons are home-schooled because I did not like the way the public school teaches the test answers instead of how to read and comprehend and simple problem solving. That is what is missing as well as the support the teachers used to get from the parents and vise-versa. it was a team with the parents being the primary care givers and the teachers respecting that. now the roles of the teacher and parents are so messed up that most of the kids are only sent to school because it is law. many parents done even care what is going on and the ones that do get tired of dealing with apathetic teaches and staff at the public schools. Having said that, the apathy is from the lack of support on many fronts.

  2. about 10 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I am not old yet but I know it from being in VFA-192 “SSHWFGD” Golden Dragons. Love the movie too.

  3. about 10 years ago on Matt Wuerker

    as a native american (I have a card) i do not find it at all offensive and neither does any tirbal person I know. its just a bad season for them they come and go to all teams in every sport.

  4. over 10 years ago on Gary Varvel

    Dont pay them less, pay them what they earn. Many teachers are underpaid, those are the ones that still truly care about the students and educating them, not just presenting information. Making sure they get it and have as much fun as possible. Others it seems that this is not the job they were told about so they are only there to get the educator credit to pay for college and then done. those are the ones that ruin it for the rest.

  5. over 10 years ago on Gary Varvel

    I happen to have 3 kids that are homeschooled the oldest has, so far, scored much higher on the standard tests than that of the nieghbor, who is one grade higher and in “advanced” classes. These scores are typical of many homeschool children I know. The part that the public school sometimes gets better is with special needs, the educations for some of these kids is very expensive, due to special equipment/training, I happen to have an autistic son and no I do not have any special equipment to help him communicate he is having to learn the hard way and is making amazing progress because he does not have that crutch, although for some it is necesssary. And no they do not get “snow days” but thye do get “sunshine days” which they much prefer.

  6. over 10 years ago on Win, Lose, Drew

    I would watch it