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phoenix316 Free

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  1. about 10 years ago on Drabble

    I’ve seen it at the local MLB team. Personally, I’d keep it because how many times do you get a chance to catch a ball? I attended well over a dozen games before I was able to get a foul ball. It should be up to the person who caught it, not drunk and rowdy nearby fans.

  2. over 10 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    I despise the tipping culture. It’s not longer something you give for outstanding service, thanks to big business pushing for labor laws that stuff it to the little guy, it’s expected they will make most of their hourly wage from tips. And don’t get me on the proliferation of tip jars everywhere. That’s just not right. That said, we do tip generously and moreso if the service is excellent and budget it into the dinner bill ahead of time, though a part of me thinks it’s not right to tip 20% at a high end restaurant where presumably the waiter has 4 or 5 tables going and is getting about half of the $30 dollar tip we end up giving meaning that’s $60 an hour in tips – better pay than a lot of professionals make.

  3. almost 13 years ago on FoxTrot

    That’s a ‘W’ on his sweater for Willot College – his alma mater