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Recent Comments

  1. over 7 years ago on A Purr-fect Day: 'Breaking Cat News' Launches In Newspapers

    I was delighted to see BCN in our Saint Louis Post-Dispatch today. I’ve only recently become a fan of Georgia Dunn’s remarkably touching and happy invention, and it’s very good to have it on newsprint as well as digital media. Hurray, in general.

  2. over 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Those of us who teach have similar dreams: showing up at the end of the semester at a class I had no idea I was assigned to teach. Plus of course, the blackboard is the size of a clip board and is cracked, the whole room is covered in crumbling wall-board, and so on. Fortunately. my orange and white tabby, Nero Wolfe, helps me prepare my lectures and never would let me forget what and where I am teaching!

  3. over 9 years ago on My Cage: New and Old

    It has made my Monday to have this wonderful, wildly creative, and often gloriously weird strip back. Hooray!