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  1. about 11 years ago on Andy Capp

    Recently I noticed that these strips were not reruns that were done by Smythe. I thought that they were. (I looked at the strips, not the vartoonist.) It was brought to my attention by complaints of the comments that they did not measure up to his (Smythe) standards. It was not a good decision for Smythe to turn it over to others as they are never be as good as the originator.

    It was a wise decision when Al Capp ended Lil Abner when he passed away. He was a master at skewing anybody that needed skewing. His mocking the hippies of the sixties with S.W.I.N.E. – students wildly indignant about nearly every thing was a classic or his 50’s jab at General Motors with his take off of Wilson’s quote with General Bullmoose Motor when General Bullmoose said “what is good for General BullMoose is good for America”.

    I have been reading Lil Abner since the late 30’’s. and am rereading them again thanks to Go Comics. It is sad that they do not run the Sunday full page for that is where Al Capp really was able to go full out with issues of the day.

  2. about 11 years ago on Andy Capp

    Recently I noticed that these were not reruns that were done by Smythe. I thought that they were. It was brought to my attention by complaints by you that they did not measure up to his (Smythe) standards. It was a wise decision when Al Capp ended Lil Abner when he passed away. He was a master at skewing anybody that needed skewing. His mocking the hippies of the sixties with S.W.I.N.E. – students wildly indignant about nearly every thing was a classic or his 50’s jab at General Motors with his take off of Wilson’s quote with General Bullmoose Motor when General Bullmoose said “what is good for General BullMoose is good for America”.

    I have been reading Lil Abner since the late 30’’s. and am rereading them again thanks to Go Comics. It is sad that they do not run the Sunday full page for that is where Al really was able to go full out with issues of the day.

  3. over 11 years ago on Li'l Abner

    Chriw042 hang in there Al Capp was a master at his trade. I began a reader of Al Capp when he was getting started in the late 30’s. I remember these from the original publication. Al Capp was a master of the put down. His ‘S.W.I.N.E.’ ‘Students wildly indignant about everything’. Nothing was sacred.

    His Sunday full page was when he was at his best. It is a shame they are not published. General Bullmoose was one of his targets of Big Business. His take off of GM President Charlie Wilson was "What is good for General Bullmoose is good for America. When Al Capp died there was no one that could do what he did with the class he had. RIP Al.