Again, farm tractors and horses and buggies are not out there for exercise, they’re trying to get from point A to point B. Bicyclists are out for exercise. What’s the point of stopping every few minutes to let cars pass? Cyclists have just as much right to the road as cars. It’s the passer’s job to pass responsibly and safely.
Umm, cyclists have as much right to the road as cars do. It’s your job to pass safely when there is no oncoming traffic. It’s not their job to pull over to let you pass, or get to the side of the road to make it easier for you. Someone needs to re-read their driver’s ed handbook.
Again, farm tractors and horses and buggies are not out there for exercise, they’re trying to get from point A to point B. Bicyclists are out for exercise. What’s the point of stopping every few minutes to let cars pass? Cyclists have just as much right to the road as cars. It’s the passer’s job to pass responsibly and safely.