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lewiscovin Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 10 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Peanuts 511 welcome to one of my life time favorite comics. Remember those day dreams when school just went on and on and the clock wouldn’t move. Calvin takes care of that problem with some pretty wild day dreams…

  2. about 12 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Well, the extreme left loves the media and have no clue what you are saying. Benghazi should not be forgotten but investigated to determine what went wrong. I suspect a State Department liberal didn’t want marines there to make the US look mean by carrying a big stick. They felt just because the country was fresh out of a civil war there was no need for security because “Peace and Love” should prevail. CBS is a corrupted news source.At least under Uncle Walter we ate up whatever he said in the 50’s – 70’s because he sounded so reassuring. Then reality hit home about corruption in the CBS news when Dan Rather took over. It hasn’t changed since then. They need to fire producers and hire reputable reporters to appear on screen. Michael , You keep up with the great editorial cartoons. Love your work!