I’m sorry this is on your mind so much, Señores. It is not what attracts me to your work.
But I think I understand your pain—I grew up in a Barrio in Los Angeles (“Toonervile”) and while I describe myself as a pure-blood mongrel, I am pretty sure there is no Chicano in the mix and I suppose that why the Mexican kids beat me up every day whether I needed it or not.
I have worked past the hate, these 78 years, and find much about the culture attractive.
I will standby for a while, and hope that you too will know some of the healing.
I’m sorry this is on your mind so much, Señores. It is not what attracts me to your work.
But I think I understand your pain—I grew up in a Barrio in Los Angeles (“Toonervile”) and while I describe myself as a pure-blood mongrel, I am pretty sure there is no Chicano in the mix and I suppose that why the Mexican kids beat me up every day whether I needed it or not.
I have worked past the hate, these 78 years, and find much about the culture attractive.
I will standby for a while, and hope that you too will know some of the healing.