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  1. 3 months ago on Frazz

    If seagulls fly over the sea, why aren’t gulls that fly over the bay called baygulls?

  2. 3 months ago on Frazz

    Reminds me just a little bit of my three-month trip to Europe when I was a carefree 20 year old: Two shirts, two pairs of pants, two pairs of socks, one pair of very comfortable shoes and two pair of underwear. Rotated the underwear every four days after outside out, inside-out and repeat. Of course we stayed in hostels and let them “air out” on top of our bunks each night.

  3. 5 months ago on Frazz

    exactly. the more skunky is smells, the better ….. so I’ve been told.

  4. 6 months ago on Frazz

    Reminds me of a song when I was a kid. Note the lyrics about “at least it’ll go when I row, row, row,” after passing the sailboat that ran out of wind and the power boat that ran out of gas. Enjoy: >

  5. 6 months ago on Frazz


  6. 8 months ago on Frazz

    or, as a grammar Nazi would suggest, “fewer and fewer hairs.” :)

  7. 8 months ago on Frazz

    just made a comment about that, below. good point

  8. 8 months ago on Frazz

    Several years ago, when my wife and I were traveling around Spain on one of our wedding anniversary trips, we noticed that a lot of the young Spaniard males (young male Spaniards?) were trending in Capris, long a staple of all ages of women back in the states. Wife suggested I should try them and I gave her two valid reasons: 1, I am not a young Spaniard male and, 2, I don’t want my older male coworkers to think I’ve gone soft.

  9. 8 months ago on Frazz

    What time is it at the North Pole?

  10. 9 months ago on Frazz

    Not bragging (too much), but I graduated with a degree in English and spent almost two decades as a newspaper writer (a few at the GR Mess with you, Jef). Did Wordle for about a month and just got bored with it. But the ADD — squirrel — might have been a contributor.