“Audible, Hoopla and Chirp” are not Apple products. Tete85’s comment is a warning to folks using the Apple products he mentions. Nothing I load on my “faux” iPod Touch is from Apple. There’s no chance of it getting “bricked”.
…as for the people who put this person in office, again… “I’m not saying let’s kill all the stupid people, I’m just saying let’s remove all the warning labels and let the problem sort itself out.”
I had an old iPhone, since replaced with new ones. I retrieved it from the drawer of useless items and converted it into a huge iPod Touch. The big screen and large storage capacity has been great. At some point it will realize that all of the audiobooks I’ve stored and listen to regularly are not what it was designed for and shut me out. For now it’s great!Audible, Hoopla and Chirp books are loaded on it now, for my enjoyment.
I’m a member of National Geographic – they are known for their photos. One favorite shows a scuba diver facing a massive school of fish. The fish are clustered very close together as if they were just waiting for him to leave.
There’s another woman in the clinic I go to with the same first and last name. The doctor came into the exam room, looked at his manila folder, and left. He returned and told me he had the wrong folder, but it had the same name!
“Audible, Hoopla and Chirp” are not Apple products. Tete85’s comment is a warning to folks using the Apple products he mentions. Nothing I load on my “faux” iPod Touch is from Apple. There’s no chance of it getting “bricked”.