I had a paper route in the 1950s. It was the five star final and I was the only one in Mt. Clemens with that paper. Before the Internet, this was the only source of all the stock market results for the day. I had several customers who met me at the door to get the paper each day. I ended up with the largest Detroit News route in the area as a result.
i have been unicycling for 40 years with no injuries. Recently I purchased a Solowheel electric unicycle. After two weeks of practice, I was hurt by doing a regular unicycle dismount instead of the proper Solowheel dismount. Good Grief! I did not know they were even watching!
I had a paper route in the 1950s. It was the five star final and I was the only one in Mt. Clemens with that paper. Before the Internet, this was the only source of all the stock market results for the day. I had several customers who met me at the door to get the paper each day. I ended up with the largest Detroit News route in the area as a result.