Ella nov 2022  11 months

m b Free

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  1. about 22 hours ago on Betty

    not in our family, but yes, there were many that had no family close by or if there, they didn’t bother to visit them or call. growing up, saw my gram most days, lost 1 gram when I was 5 yrs and a grampa when I was 6. Other gramps I saw usually twice a week and my Gram at least 4 days a week sometimes more, she was retired and would come out every afternoon unless roads were bad in winter – usually ate Sunday dinner with us. Gramps lived with us last 1-1/2 yrs of his life. When I still lived in same area as my parents, I always went out to see them on my days off and talked daily – once I moved 1200 miles away, we talked a few times a week to check in – no cheap phone calls or cell phones back then

  2. about 22 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    they still have crazy laws in MI 4th state I’ve lived in and laws are weird and everything is outrageously priced

  3. about 22 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    too many channels these days but I rarely find anything worth watching, if DH didn’t watch TV every night, I’d ditch cable, not worth it to me.

  4. about 22 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    probably already being asked along with what’s a transistor radio

  5. about 22 hours ago on Family Tree

    I’m surprised US gov hasn’t shut down tanning salons , been proven to cause cancer. Had a neighbor in TN, she went 1-2 times a week year round, eventually had a good size chunk of melanoma taken out of her leg and still went

  6. about 23 hours ago on Drabble

    mine went up $20. this month, must have had the a/c set cooler all month, we did have hot weather, I noticed it kicking on more

  7. about 23 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    same here, several bouts of flu, measles and something else, came out with medicine and if still stick came back to check on you in 4 or 5 days. Pharmacies delivered meds back then and sent out a monthly bill, so did the doctor on house calls. Different times back then, we lived in “suburbs” most Moms were SAHM’s one car family so no way to get kids to the doctor – ours made house calls on lunch time, he closed for an hour and would come out after hours if needed. When I moved toTampa, we had walk-in clinics that were open 7am – midnight so you only had to deal with ER midnight to 7am, unless it was a true emergency, we waited until 7am. Moved to TN, WIC only open 8a-7p and shorter hrs on weekends In MI, we live in small town, don’t have a WIC so if doc is closed you have to go to ER :-( and doctor shortage around here, so can’t get into see doc sometimes for couple days if sick

  8. about 23 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    detest when medical groups do that, when we were still in TN I called to make appt with my pulmonologist, told me she wasn’t there anymore, I asked where she moved to, wouldn’t tell me. I finally tracked her down, she’d moved 20 minutes away, so got appt and was telling her, she wasn’t happy, they were suppose to refer her patients to her if they wanted to stay with her. I told her if she ever moves office again to send letters to all her patients where she is going to be

  9. about 23 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    I’m in MI, my family dentist pulled tooth for me. In TN depended on dentist and how involved tooth was, if it was an easy pull, our dentist did that, but I know other patients he’d send to a specialist

  10. 1 day ago on Betty

    ……Sad/Happy story of the day…I think sadder these days than 50 plus years ago when families generally lived close to where they were raised and saw their parent/grandparents and others very often and neighbors checked on neighbors, especially those who had no family and/or were elderly