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  1. over 12 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Some people think it’s funny to “tease” others. I think John meant what he said and when Elly called him on it he tries to cover by saying it’s a joke. The amazing thing is that most “teasers” do not like to be teased themselves.

  2. almost 13 years ago on Alley Oop

    Do you think it’s the wrong Ooola? I wonder if she’s suppose to have some sort of birthmark so they know if she’s the one he’s looking for!

  3. almost 13 years ago on Alley Oop

    This story arc started out so well. Last week we learned where Hamid was from and why he was in Moo. We learned something everyday. This week it’s just Oop and Guz saying the same thing everyday, this whole week could have been done in four panels. Larry keep up the good work.

  4. almost 13 years ago on Alley Oop

    Well that would explain why Ooola doesn’t look like anyone else in Moo. I’ve always wondered why she has such different bone structure, she looks like someone from the 19th century not Neanderthal. I’ve often wondered if this was explained in the beginning of the strip.

  5. almost 13 years ago on Alley Oop

    Larry I am enjoying your story, please keep doing it. You can’t please everyone, most of us are not real thrilled with the Benders version. I’m wondering if this current arc is a repeat, I just think I’ve seen this guy from Mondovia before.

  6. almost 13 years ago on Alley Oop

    After 4 months of standing around Moo, Lola is finally going to settle in! About time.

    Larry you have one critic and many admirers, don’t let the one critic get you down. Your story is exciting, I am enjoying it.

  7. almost 13 years ago on Alley Oop

    I wish I thought this was the end of this inane story arc but I think we’ll get several weeks of Oop being congratulated on telling the girls apart.

  8. almost 13 years ago on Alley Oop

    Were does it say anything about Lola’s blood? I think you are jealous that Larry is writing such an interesting story. Larry your story is moving at a great pace!

  9. almost 13 years ago on Alley Oop

    Keep it up Larry! The Benders brought in Foozy so they could prolong the agony one more week.

  10. almost 13 years ago on Alley Oop

    I’m really enjoying your story! Hope the PTB are reading too.