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Love the puns !!!!!!! This one is great. Quit complaining people, you get straight comics more than 95% of the time.This made my day……………………
The puns are the best…….love the brain that comes up with them
Yeah, the old Pastis is back…………….love it!!!!!
I am truly hoping that my instincts are awry…….that Pastis has not had a death of father or father-ih-law. If so, my heart goes out to him and his family. If not, it is a somber, thought provoking series.
Love the idea. F6F5Hellcat needs to go back for classes and learn the difference between “their” and “they’re”
Bravo…’s been too long without a pun
thank goodness the pun called for abroad and not the assinine common phrase these days, “Across the pond”
Keep those puns coming !!!!!!!!
I wish there were more pun strips……..those are the best. Larry runs a close second
Love the puns !!!!!!! This one is great. Quit complaining people, you get straight comics more than 95% of the time.This made my day……………………