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  1. 9 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    He should have told Calvin that when they are riding in the car, the spot on the surface of the tire where the tire contacts the road as it rotates around the axle has a forward speed of zero MPH despite the fact that the car is moving forward at whatever speed they are driving.

  2. 10 months ago on Reality Check

    The robot voice is horrible. “Place your item in the bagging area; NOW! And be efficient with it, you imbecile.”

    The store should PAY us to do our own checkout – they have coopted their customers into providing free labor to save $$ on paying cashiers.

  3. 11 months ago on Mike Lester

    Every now and then, you exceed my expectations of your stupidity. This comic is a winner in that rarified category of STUPIDEST.

  4. about 1 year ago on Mike Lester

    There is NOTHING secret about this program. If you do some research, you’ll find there are no restrictions to learning about and understanding what’s going on. Here is text directly from the White House. The White House is expanding the “Parole Process for Venezuelans to Nicaraguans, Haitians, and Cubans. Today, the Biden Administration is announcing it will extend the successful Venezuela parole process and expand it to nationals of Nicaragua, Haiti, and Cuba. Up to 30,000 individuals per month from these four countries, who have an ELIGIBLE SPONSOR and PASS VETTING AND BACKGROUND CHECKS, can come to the United States for a period of two years and receive work authorization. Individuals who irregularly cross the Panama, Mexico, or U.S. border after the date of this announcement will be ineligible for the parole process and will be subject to expulsion to Mexico, which will accept returns of 30,000 individuals per month from these four countries who fail to use these new pathways.” NOTICE THE PARTS WHERE I AM YELLING AT YOU.

  5. about 1 year ago on Mike Lester

    You have no idea what the word ‘treason’ means. To youm it apparently means anything done by someone in a political position that you hate.

  6. about 1 year ago on Mike Lester

    Wow – so very very very sad. I mean REALLY sad that people might think about the guy as a DEI hire. I mean, it’s REALLY VERY SAD! How could someone in his shoes actually go to work with all that wondering going on. He probably should be FIRED because I’m sure someone like him would be far more worried about what people are thinking of him instead of doing his job and therefore, he’s a safety hazard. So, because of DEI, all people of color should be FIRED! BTY Mike Lester – your comic strips are SOOOOO FUNNY – LOL. I mean, I ROTFLMAO when I read them. And they are always so tuned in to what MAGATs think – you’re a JEINIOUS!

  7. about 1 year ago on Adult Children

    By the way, cement is what glues the rocks and sand together to make CONCRETE. They forgot to put in the CONCRETE floor, okay? Sorry, I’m a civil engineer and I just can’t help myself when it comes to this.

  8. over 1 year ago on Gasoline Alley

    Jim, this arc has gone far enough. I know it’s a comic and it’s all pretend, fun, and games. But portraying a Forest Service ranger as doing anything but the right thing is all wrong. I worked for the Forest Service for 25 years and think your current storyline is just plain stupid and requires too great a willingness to suspend disbelief. But then, I’m an engineer and generally have trouble suspending disbelief. Sorry.

  9. over 1 year ago on Mike Lester

    Obviously you’re trying to trigger the libtards. But really, this is so off target, it’s plain ol stupid.

  10. over 1 year ago on Mike Lester

    Of course, the GQP conspirators are absolutely fine with Ivanka’s patents from China and that measly $2B the Saudi’s gave Jared. It’s just not the same as what they say is going on in the Biden family. Talk about a witch hunt!