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  1. 8 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    coming up on 78. Been to a urologist because PSA was too high. On generic cialis and finasteride for 6 months. # dropped back to reasonable. Urologist (who used 2 houses away) said okay no surgery you’re basically too old ,finish pills if you want and that’s it. It is what it is. #1 appears strictly dependent on what and how often I drink two of the diuretics- cola and beer. Which I wont stop. However I seldom have issues away from home but get me within mental and physiological close distance to home and I have about 2-3 minutes max or I’m in serious! trouble.

  2. 11 days ago on The Other Coast

    It would have more reasonable if the dog had looked out a window and seen a passerby with a sheepskin coat on, not his ‘owner’. I had always imagined the dog’s owner couple as being more animal friendly. But, well, you never know.

  3. about 1 month ago on Speed Bump

    I think he expects the customers to draw him…since he’s a ‘character’. And then pay him for the thrill. And she’s like Huh? I’m supposed to draw YOU?

  4. 3 months ago on The Buckets

    flerf alert! I know, I know, these kids are in like early grade school years, but I’m pretty sure when I was a kid we all had that Mercator world projection map next to the blackboard in our classrooms, and the equator business (differences between north and south of) was all explained to us, at least more than once.

  5. 4 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    So, I go way back. I was punching holes in those IBM cards around 1970 and took a FORTRAN class in 71. You make a wrong punch anywhere and you start over. I then took classes in PASCAL, IBM Assembler, COBOL, Adv BASIC. Spent 3 years writing Assembler code for a Programmable Machine Tool company (Lathes and Mill/Drills). Wrote a huge PASCAL program for a bank check sorter of which maybe 2-4 were actually sold and used. Spent time during 1999 going over and maybe fixing lots of bank and corporate code for the Y2K program and spent the last several years of my ‘career’ fixing MS update issues (post update) at various GM facilities around Detroit. And I am still amazed at how the Voyager missions are still functioning. Think what it would cost and how much time it would take today to even repeat that accomplishment.

  6. 8 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    The NBA has a G – League which is where Bronny is right now after 1 college year. How soon until the NFL gets a G league. Baseball has (or maybe now had) lots of very low level farm leagues for kids out of high school, and little to no college draft. I think that’s changing too as Baseball sees colleges as more or less a free farm league.

  7. 8 months ago on Rubes

    Besides the curve of the marks intersecting the plane of his face do appear more parabolic like a standard heel.

  8. about 1 year ago on Frazz

    How soon we forget. There was an article in the news years ago when we moved the clock settings from the April to March dates, and it was all about the Putt-Putt Golf places and the Convenience stores wanting more daylight time so they could get customers who were afraid of the dark. If there was $$$ to be made by changing the system to whatever, it would have already happened. The fact it hasnt’t yet, means a lot of big money businesses haven’t yet got together to figure out a way to squeeze some more cash out of us.

  9. over 1 year ago on Arlo and Janis

    Happened to me in boot camp. 2nd day of Basic and we’re having our first inspection of uniform, locker and cot, with all our civilian clothes supposedly stored away in a group locked closet, and nothing yet in our laundry bag tied at the end of our cots. Sergeant gets to one airman and finds lumps in his laundry bag and has the airman empty it on the cot which turns out to be his civilian clothes. And he starts giving the airman demerits for each item. Got to the pair of shoes and says for each, ‘1 demerit’, the airman says back, ‘Sarge, that’s a pair of shoes, that’s only 1 demerit.’

  10. over 1 year ago on Arlo and Janis

    In 5th grade I sent away for a packet of things – sneezing powder – didn’t work, a few other things I forget, but 1 really worked. It was a fake ink spot to put under a fountain pen, and in class while the teacher was away, I slipped it on her open grade book putting the spot over my grades and her pen next to it. She believed it for a moment when she returned. ( A classmate friend brought in, um fake, uh, dog….ok it looked stupid even on the floor, and she guessed correctly that it was…fake) The pen spot wouldn’t work today because not only do most people not use fountain pens, but most today don’t even know or can only vaguely recollect them.