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David Root Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 7 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Lila is getting excited!!

  2. over 7 years ago on Luann

    This seems to just displays more of Luann’s continued jealously of Tiffany!

  3. over 7 years ago on Tank McNamara

    He has carved two deltas, and is aiming at a third: tri-delta (or tri-delt) is a sorority for those who do not know that fact (perhaps he is aiming at being a house father)!!!!!

  4. over 7 years ago on Luann

    The truth about Tiffany: ALL of her relationships are shallow at best!

  5. almost 8 years ago on Luann

    If she keeps going on like that, she might have a career in politics!!!!!!

  6. almost 8 years ago on Luann

    I second that!!!!!

  7. almost 8 years ago on The Born Loser

    Rancid is perhaps more overweight than Brutus.

  8. almost 8 years ago on The Born Loser

    She has just as much, perhaps less, that what he has!!!!!

  9. over 8 years ago on The Meaning of Lila


  10. over 8 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Boyd is hopeless.